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Increase Ankle Power & Mobility – Easily!

Increase Ankle Power & Mobility – Easily!

This week, we’re going to take a look at ankle mobility.In particular, dorsiflexion – which is the forward and backward bending of the foot when you’re walking. Having restricted dorsiflexion can have an affect up the back of the leg, into the knee and also into the hip and lower back areas.  In particular, looking backContinue Reading »

Our 4 Reasons Why Having Better Posture Means a Better Lifestyle.

Our 4 Reasons Why Having Better Posture Means a Better Lifestyle.

Yes, we’ve heard it all before.Sit up straight, walk tall, breathe deeply, don’t slouch, don’t roll your shoulders. Putting in effort to have decent posture has many benefits. Try these this week – here are 4 key reasons why bettering your posture will better your lifestyle1Breathe Better – An upright posture means greater airflow through your cardiopulmonaryContinue Reading »

Sore Lower-Back, Hips or Knees? This Stretch Will Help.

Sore Lower-Back, Hips or Knees? This Stretch Will Help.

What do the ITB – and the lower-back, hips and knees have in common?Quite a bit actually. Building on our previous videos about the ITB which involved triggering the area and using a foam roller to relieve tension, Dr Leah Madden takes you through an effective stretch to try. The ITB is important because it attaches toContinue Reading »

The Osteoworks Difference

The Osteoworks Difference

“A single part of your body doesn’t fail on its own…” Dr John WhiteOsteoworks When people have pain, they don’t realise that something can’t fail on its own. For you to have a failed tissue, a muscle soreness or a ligament strain – something else has let that happen.  For that to have happened, there has toContinue Reading »

Morning Lower-Back Routine

Morning Lower-Back Routine

Last week, Jay took you through a simple routine that you can do every time you need to bend down to pick something up off of the floor. A lot of patients come into the clinic with a stiff lower back which is aggravated first thing in the morning.   We’ve touched on alleviating tension in theContinue Reading »

Sore Lower-Back? Tight Hamstrings? This Will Help

Sore Lower-Back? Tight Hamstrings? This Will Help

Today we’re looking at an exercise for the glute-med muscle. It is the biggest postural muscle of your hip – and also directly influences the wellbeing of your lower back. Apply for a FREE Discovery VisitClick Here »

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