It’s possible to go for treatment for Hip Dysplasia and get relief from the common aches and pains associated with the condition. Hip Dysplasia affects people of all ages, particularly when it goes undiagnosed for many years. Fortunately it’s treatable and can be managed to help improve your day-to-day life. What is Hip Dysplasia? It’sContinue Reading »
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Category: Hip Pain
Helpful Exercises To Alleviate Hip Pain
If you are looking to alleviate hip pain then look no further. Hip pain is a common condition that affects people of all ages and severely negatively affects their mobility and quality of life. Hip pain can significantly impact your life, whether you’re a young athlete or an older adult. But by understanding the mostContinue Reading »
Wonder Why You Experience a Clicking Hip? Here’s How You Can Fix It
Today we’re talking about why your hip clicks and what you can do to fix it! A lot of patients experience the click when they perform an extension of the leg and flexion of the hip itself. It could be when they’re stretching, running, doing yoga or any form of movement that involves extending the legContinue Reading »
How Increasing Quad Mobility Helps More Than One Area
In the past we’ve visited the importance of looking after your glutes in relation to lower-back stability. We’ve also shown you exercises that assist with releasing the glutes and also how to strengthen them. This week, we’re moving onto the next stage and looking at how triggering and maintaining your quadriceps can also assist with yourContinue Reading »
What You Can Do To Increase Hip Mobility And Why It Matters
Previously, we’ve explored stretching your hip flexor and quad for loosening off your hip joint. Today I’ll be showing you how to articulate and mobilise the hip joint itself so you’ll greatly improve range of motion through the hip. It’s really beneficial for people who are seated at a desk for majority of the day orContinue Reading »
Want to Fix Hip & Knee Pain? You’re One Exercise Away
Do you have hip and knee pain? Fixing it might just be one step away with this week’s exercise.Rectus Femoris is the muscle that works between the knee and the hips and the slightest tending to it can make a huge difference to the functioning of your hips, knees even lower back too. I had a patientContinue Reading »
Sore Lower-Back, Hips or Knees? This Stretch Will Help.
What do the ITB – and the lower-back, hips and knees have in common?Quite a bit actually. Building on our previous videos about the ITB which involved triggering the area and using a foam roller to relieve tension, Dr Leah Madden takes you through an effective stretch to try. The ITB is important because it attaches toContinue Reading »